Monday, June 1, 2009

at last....

SO. Here I sit in AFRICA writing in a BLOG, which is not my thing but I figure its worth it to let everyone know the low down on whats happening in Zambia.

so far I've loved it, but that doesn't mean it's easy.

We just got power for the first time in 48 hours. It's kinda frustrating but last night I really realized the reason for it.

I'm so thankful for our house and for where we live. We are living in an old orphan home in Kalingalinga (you say it just like you spell it). It's a poor area, but not the worst...So we've been cooking, bathing, eating, dressing, and talking.....all in the dark. We are adapting and trying to just go about daily life..And God really showed me how thankful I should be.

I'm so thankful to be able to taste in a very SMALL way what it is to be an orphan. Last night we looked out over the city tonight and saw that even a street over, the more affluent sections have had power all day and all night. It's just because of where we're located that makes us less of a priority to get the service we are equally paying for. That sense of injustice that welled up in me changed my perpsective greatly. I'm not looking in on these people from America anymore. My vantage point is now from their darkness and that position makes me hungry for justice for them. It's my job and the job of this team to defend them. To declare justice on their behalf. Seeing the world from their side of the fence helps me crave what God has asked of me. In my selfish, relation-less heart, that hunger is hard to come by on my own.

Just a blessing from Kalingalinga.


  1. Mary Leslie,
    I am glad you have a blog and can converse with us. Your surroundings sound like you are on a really cool camping trip! Last evening we had a family night supper at Lake Tithelo. A lot of people were on vacations, as school has just ended. Clark is taking his family to Iowa this week, but will be back in the pulpit Sunday. My daughter in Silver Spring, Md. had a 5 lb 13 oz little girl Tuesday. Her name is Mary Hannah Wixson. She is our second granddaughter. Ann is up there now and I will go up on the 11th and relieve her for about 6 days. Sounds like you are in the place God wants you to be. Keep us posted. Thank you again for the blog.
    Bill McKay

  2. MLH, what a great idea! Glad to hear you are in place. I'm sure the children there are thrilled to have you among them. Your lesson in perspective is a tough one, but I do know it will allow you to see things differently for the rest of your life. The young people here miss you as do the older people :). Hannah thought you were just gone for the summer. When we talked about your now on a new mission she was sad, but glad you are following God's lead in your life. She said that will make you happy. She and I concluded it is not always easy to do what God wants us to do, but when we do it makes Him happy (her description). Things in Canton continue to move along. Some days the same others not. Stay in touch and we will continue to be lifting you in our prayers. Blessings!!! Clark

  3. even though we don't know each other, i want to wish you blessings as you adjust to life in zambia. i was one of the first interns back in 2005. my advice is to listen closely and observe carefully. you'll be glad you did.

  4. Hi Mary Leslie,
    Gary Schneider gave me your Blog to keep track of what is happening in Zambia this summer. I have a friend who is comming with the teens from the United States in the end of June through July. Her name is Hannah, we are from Illinois.
    I myself was there to help with a camp in 2006. I love Zambia and the people there. Have a great summer as an intern!
